WBCG Organising Committee

Our community gardens are volunteer operated, and it’s our members who make them work. The garden would not be able to operate without our Organising Committee (OC), and we are always keen to hear from members who would like to join this committee. The larger the team, the easier it is for everyone!

The OC meets monthly on a Thursday evening, and is very flexible about how much time members would like to contribute and what their areas of interest are. It doesn’t matter if you are new or don’t know much about gardening. 

If you’re interested in getting involved, email us at hello.wbcg@merribekcg.org, or chat to one of the OC members at the garden. 

The following people are currently volunteering on the Organising Committee:

Richard Brown
Judith Cooke
Tim Christie
Christine Kennedy
Lindy Hodgkin
Jacqui Ward
Will Muhleisen
Joel Dyt

The Organising Committee does the following:

  • Manage/operate the West Brunswick Community Garden & Food Forest
  • Represent members 
  • Manage the WBCG Members Handbook and ensure members adhere to it
  • Find and fix problems
  • Answer questions relating to this garden
  • Provide opportunities for participation
  • Look after plants, tools, infrastructure, buildings etc.
  • Plan and manage costs
  • Buy supplies for the garden
  • Work with the MCG Board to plan, budget and fundraise
  • Fulfil obligations of leases, licenses, grants, insurance etc.

The OC is supported by the MCG Board. Read about the how the Board operates here, and view our Organisational Structure here

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