
Janice joined us in mid-2020, and is a valued member of the Pentridge Community Garden’s Organising Committee.She enjoys being part of the friendly community, spending time in the garden while getting some exercise, and having access to seasonal fruit and veggies.
“I moved into an apartment in the Pentridge complex at the end of 2019 and having a big verandah I started growing herbs and flowering plants almost immediately. I have wanted to join a community garden for a number of years, but haven’t been settled anywhere long enough until now, so I was excited to see the Pentridge Community Garden so close to my home.
I’m pretty much a novice gardener and this garden having lots of shared plots suits me very well. It’s great to share space with others and join in the weekly working bees to gain experience. It’s a good way to meet a diverse group of friendly people and taking home a share of the harvest is fantastic.
I’m retired with more free time than I have been used to, so I also enjoy being a member of the Organising Committee. The meetings are only once every two months but they’ve given me a broader perspective of the garden and appreciation of the different contributions of others.”

Katya has been involved with Pentridge Community Garden since the beginning, and is a valued member of its Organising Committee. She got involved because the unit she had recently moved into had no garden, and she also wanted to meet her neighbours. She loves being around the greenery of the garden, harvesting things that she has helped to grow from scratch, using produce from the garden (especially the raspberries) in cooking, and of course weeding!
“It’s been such a therapeutic space to have access to during lockdown when we don’t have any outside area. Gardening with other people is such a great way to learn more. The community is outstanding.”

Julie first got involved with Pentridge Community Garden, over three years ago, because she downsized to a townhouse and wanted to keep composting. She also saw the need for a community garden in the local area.
She loves being able to stop food waste through composting, as well as enjoying fresh produce from the garden, and meeting friendly, community minded people.
“The community garden is a precious green space in a crowded estate and I would love more residents to come and join us!”

If you’re a member of Pentridge Community Garden, you’ll almost certainly know Andrew. He was instrumental in getting the garden established, when he found himself living in an area without a community garden and decided to do something (big) about it.
For the first four years of the garden’s life, Andrew was the convenor, before he decided to take a step back to focus on being a gardener. He enjoys being part of the diverse group of community members who get together to grow food, make a green space, and share experiences, laughs and lives at the garden.
“Community gardens can be powerful community hubs as well as places for city-dwellers to grow and share food, keep a connection with the natural environment, and relax in a green, growing oasis in the city. We need more of them!”

Russell is a member of the PCG Organising Committee, and has been involved with the garden for years.
“The idea of a communal garden was attractive for the physical and social activity involved. I liked the Pentridge Garden people as well as the challenge of making a garden on a large barren gravelly paddock. There are so many ways community gardens contribute to quality of life and general wellbeing – I don’t understand the reasons why more people don’t get involved. They are such great value.”
Russell is not afraid to get his hands dirty, and likes doing the smelly jobs that others are not so keen on, like turning the compost and taking care of pesky rats and snails! He also spearheaded the purchase and installation of the garden’s portaloo.

Erin joined Pentridge Community Garden in early 2019. She first got involved to be part of the community and to have somewhere to get her hands dirty, and has spent some time as a member of the Organising Committee as well.
“I live in a little apartment, so I am grateful to have an open space for me and the monster (dog) to run. It was a tough year last year, and this year has been weird. The people at PCG are part of my sanity.”
What does she like most about being involved? The wonderful people!

Jo has been involved with Pentridge Community Garden since the beginning! She has spent time on the Organising Committee, and is always ready to jump in and help with whatever needs to be done.
“The Pentridge Community Garden is literally on our doorstep so I got involved to make connections with my neighbourhood, help shape this brand new garden and to learn how to garden! I love the camaraderie and little community that exists at PCG. I’ve met neighbours and made friends over the years. I’ve also loved the good hard yakka that’s involved during the course of a gardening year and actually learning how to grow food!”