
Pruning workshop postponed

Our deciduous tree pruning workshop (originally scheduled for 29th May, then rescheduled to 24th July), has been postponed once more due to the current COVID-19 situation in Victoria.

If you were registered for this workshop, you will receive an email with further information.

Watch this space for rescheduling of this workshop at a later date, and in the meantime check out the My Smart Garden website for upcoming online events run by Councils and community groups.

The Pentridge Community Garden Amenity Plan is live!

To record our plans and ideas for Pentridge Community Garden, we’ve created an Amenity Plan that will help us to focus our efforts and resources in the best way possible for our members.

The plan sets out the actions we want to take, and gives us a way to measure the impact of those actions. You can read the full document here.

If there’s something you’d like to be involved with, please get in touch with the Organising Committee or Jess (the Community Gardening Coordinator) at administrator@merribekcg.org.


COVID-19 update 23 June – Pentridge Community Garden

This page was updated on 23 June 2020.

We have updated our guidelines in light of the new Victorian government rules, and in the context of Moreland being identified as a Coronavirus hotspot. Please take the time to read these.
The new guidelines for Pentridge Community Garden, effective immediately, are:
  • Gatherings of up to 10 people are allowed, providing social distancing is maintained. (1.5m)
  • Ad-hoc visits continue to be registered by posting in the closed members’ Facebook group. (The organiser starts the post and people who want to attend comment. Organiser limits attendees to 10.)
  • Open garden sessions will contnibue on Sunday afternoons. We’d like to see members register their intention to attend in the group. All attendees must tick their names off the attendance sheet.
  • We encourage the use of gloves where practical. Please bring your own gloves to the garden.
The shed will be open for use, provided the following guidelines are adhered to:
  • Gloves must be worn when opening and closing the shed.
  • Shared tools must be disinfected at the start and end of each session. If you’re using a tool, it’s your responsibility to make sure this is done.
  • A maximum of 2 people are allowed in the shed at once, providing social distancing is maintained. (1.5m)
The following guidelines have not changed:
  • Do not attend the garden if you are ill, you have arrived from overseas within the last fortnight, or you have been in touch with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  • The compost hub will remain closed to the general public.
  • Avoid shared surfaces & common areas (tables, chairs, potting benches etc.) If you must use these areas, disinfect them before and after use
  • Soap and water and sanitiser is available at the garden for your use.
Moreland has been identified as a Coronavirus ‘hotspot’, which means we must be extra vigilant with hygiene, and limiting gatherings to 10. 
We encourage members from outside Moreland to reconsider whether you need to attend the garden over the next three weeks. This especially applies to members in the adjacent LGA of Darebin, which has also been identified as a ‘hotspot’.

COVID-19 update 19 June – Pentridge Community Garden

This page was updated on 19 June 2020 and has been superceded. Please look for the most recent COVID-19 post. 

The new guidelines for Pentridge Community Garden, effective immediately, are:
  • Gatherings of up to 20 people are allowed, providing social distancing is maintained. (1.5m)
  • Ad-hoc visits continue to be registered by Facebook post in our closed members’ Facebook Group. (The organiser starts the post and people who want to attend comment. Organiser limits attendees to 20.)
  • Open garden sessions will start again from Sunday 7th June. We’d like to see members register their intention to attend in the group. All attendees must tick their names off the attendance sheet.
  • We encourage the use of gloves where practical. Please bring your own gloves to the garden.
Additionally, the shed will be open for use, provided the following guidelines are adhered to:
  • Gloves must be worn when opening and closing the shed.
  • Shared tools must be disinfected at the start and end of each session. If you’re using a tool, it’s your responsibility to make sure this is done.
  • A maximum of 2 people are allowed in the shed at once, providing social distancing is maintained. (1.5m)
The following guidelines have not changed:
  • Do not attend the garden if you are ill, you have arrived from overseas within the last fortnight, or you have been in touch with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  • The compost hub will remain closed to the general public.
  • We are still not able to accept new membership requests.
  • Avoid shared surfaces & common areas (tables, chairs, potting benches etc.) If you must use these areas, disinfect them before and after use
  • Soap and water and sanitiser is available at the garden for your use.

March News

Moreland Community Gardening and our gardens Pentridge and West Brunswick fully support the recent measures being put in place by the government to protect the community, including social distancing and closing down non-essential services.

Formal gatherings at the gardens will not be promoted. We love that the garden is a safe community space and encourage you to reach out and organise to garden together safely. Please keep in mind the Prime Ministers briefing from the 24th March, which encourages people not to congregate in groups larger than 10 and maintain your social distance of 1.5m.

The garden remains open for members to garden in their own time. We see gardening as a valuable activity in these difficult times. We do not want to minimise access to anyone. Our essential service at this time is harvesting and planting food and maintenance (ie watering, weeding).

If you are isolating to protect your health and would like to access the garden alone, please use the facebook group to let your fellow gardeners know. We all want to support the health and wellbeing of all our members including the most vulnerable. If you are unwell or have been directed to self-isolate please contact your garden to ask for help to maintain your plot or for other support, and stay home, rest and recover.

In order to protect our current membership we are putting a temporary hold on new memberships, as at this time we cannot safely welcome new members to the garden.

Also, if you are experiencing financial hardship, please reply by email or contact your garden via email. We can extend memberships through this period.

Your garden Organising Committee is actively looking at ways we can still garden and keep engaged.

– Even if you are not a Facebooker – we encourage you to sign up and join your garden’s Facebook group. These groups are an easy way to connect with your community & for organising committees to share tasks at the gardens.

Pentridge Pentridge Community Garden Members

West Brunswick West Brunswick Community Garden And Food Forest Members

You can also contact us at hello.wbcg@morelandcommunitygardening.org or hello.pentridge@morelandcommunitygardening.org

You can keep in touch through our members only facebook page, the noticeboard at the shed or via email.

And please remember to:

1. Wash your hands

2. Practice social distancing

3. Stay home and recover if you are unwell.

4. Maximum of 2 people in the shed at a time

5. Please wipe down tools and high touch surfaces such as door handles, hose fittings and locks after use with the supplied spray and/or wipes

6. Please bring gardening gloves with you from home, or if you use a pair from the shed take them home to wash after use

7. Wash all produce you take home

We will continue to monitor the advice from the Federal and State governments and will make further announcements as required.

Stay safe and support each other. We will get through this together.

Moreland Community Gardening, West Brunswick Community Garden and Pentridge Community Garden.

Happy Gardening!

The Head Gardener

Statement on COVID-19

Statement on COVID-19

Gardening and safety with COVID-19
Update on 27 March 2020

Moreland Community Gardening and our gardens Pentridge and West Brunswick fully support the recent measures being put in place by the government to protect the community, including social distancing and closing down non-essential services.
Formal gatherings at the gardens will not be promoted. We love that the garden is a safe community space and encourage you to reach out and organise to garden together safely. Please keep in mind the Prime Ministers briefing from the 24th March, which encourages people not to congregate in groups larger than 10 and maintain your social distance of 1.5m.
The garden remains open for members to garden in their own time. We see gardening as a valuable activity in these difficult times. We do not want to minimise access to anyone. Our essential service at this time is harvesting and planting food and maintenance (ie watering, weeding).
If you are isolating to protect your health and would like to access the garden alone, please use the facebook group to let your fellow gardeners know. We all want to support the health and wellbeing of all our members including the most vulnerable. If you are unwell or have been directed to self-isolate please contact your garden to ask for help to maintain your plot or for other support, and stay home, rest and recover.
In order to protect our current membership we are putting a temporary hold on new memberships, as at this time we cannot safely welcome new members to the garden.
Also, if you are experiencing financial hardship, please reply by email or contact your garden via email. We can extend memberships through this period.
Your garden Organising Committee is actively looking at ways we can still garden and keep engaged.
– Even if you are not a Facebooker – we encourage you to sign up and join your garden’s Facebook group. These groups are an easy way to connect with your community & for organising committees to share tasks at the gardens.
Pentridge Pentridge Community Garden Members
West Brunswick West Brunswick Community Garden And Food Forest Members
You can also contact us via email at



You can keep in touch through our members only facebook page, the noticeboard at the shed or via email.
And please remember to:

1. Wash your hands
2. Practice social distancing
3. Stay home and recover if you are unwell.
4. Maximum of 2 people in the shed at a time
5. Please wipe down tools and high touch surfaces such as door handles, hose fittings and locks after use with the supplied spray and/or wipes
6. Please bring gardening gloves with you from home, or if you use a pair from the shed take them home to wash after use
7. Wash all produce you take home

We will continue to monitor the advice from the Federal and State governments and will make further announcements as required.
Stay safe and support each other. We will get through this together.

Moreland Community Gardening, West Brunswick Community Garden and Pentridge Community Garden.

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