The Merri-bek Community Gardening Inc. Board

As an Incorporated Association, Merri-bek Community Gardening requires a group of people (they’re called The Board in our organisation’s constitution) to looks after things that affect our whole organisation like our finances, legal and regulatory obligations. Tasks include governance, overseeing things like facilities, leases, insurance, fees and rules, planning, managing money, memberships, communication, engagement, culture, Council interaction, organisational decisions, and helping moderate/address issues at the gardens. In the future we hope to establish more places where the community can grow food, investigate grants and other funding, work for the dole and other possibilities. The Board keeps the organisation on track in terms of meeting its longer term objectives and delivering what it says it will to its members.

Board members are voted in at our Annual General Meeting which is usually held sometime around August each year.

Join our Board
Members who are interested in participating in the Board should contact one of the current Board members to find out more about what’s involved, or email us at

What’s involved?
The Board meets monthly for a few hours in the evening plus you’d need to find a few hours between meetings.

What’s in it for you?
Being on the Board is rewarding as you get to know a great bunch of people who are working hard to make something good happen for our community. You’ll gain useful experience and skills in working with volunteers and running a community group. We might be persuaded to name something after you (wheelbarrow? shovel? tree?). People will like you more and you’ll be a more attractive person generally (in all possible ways, allegedly).

Here's who is currently on the Board:


Libby Harper is an at home mum, a part time small business administration consultant and an amateur gardener with a past history in: health, administration, tourism and government developing policy, procedures and managing financial responsibilities. Libby has a lifelong history of participation in the community charity sector. Libby is committed to community development and making a positive change for the environment.

Vice President

Sabrina Matthaus is a lover of socializing, an expert in adapting, and a passionate creator. She is a professional creative with experience in the entertainment industry with a focus on film, events, and the social sector. In her free time, Sabrina tackles food waste with OzHarvest, has spent time volunteering at a lodge in Africa and researching permaculture in Hong Kong.


Angela Snowdon is an Environmental Scientist graduate, interested in reducing and improving the impact humans have on the environment. She finds the community garden is a great place to share ideas, knowledge and to engage. Angela currently works for an environmental not-for-profit, assisting community groups to build capacity through grant programs.


Stasia Dowling is retired and loving life but has no idea about gardening. Having been involved in community volunteering for most of her adult life she wants to continue contributing to community, enjoying the benefits of community and hopefully learning a bit about gardening along the way.

Ordinary Board Member

Suzi Murray is a keen amateur gardener with a small edible garden.  Suzi has lived in Merri-bek for over 20 years and loves the local area.  Suzi works in Cyber Security and is excited to be able to contribute back to her local community.

Ordinary Board Member
Ilana Altas is a strategy, project, and engagement professional. Alongside her work in higher education and philanthropy, she has been a passionate advocate for vibrant and inclusive community spaces and places in Merri-bek. In her spare time, Ilana facilitates the training and development of young leaders and keeps a small home garden.


Ordinary Board Member
Joel Dyt is a healthcare professional with a love of nature. While he has recently moved to Merri-bek, he has been a keen gardener his whole life. Joel loves open green spaces and seeks to support the garden and community that has built it.


Past board members who made a valuable contribution to getting us where we are include:


  • Paul McKay
  • Mark Sanders
  • Margaret Ayers
  • Paul Desmond

Former Board Members

  • Jo Stavers
  • Mona Najafi Nobar
  • Andrew Ogbourne
  • Kieran Dickson
  • Liz Morgan
  • Elen McNaught
  • Brett McDonald
  • Tom Tanhchareun
  • Anna Wilkinson
  • Kelly Gardiner
  • Julia Raath
  • Catherine Lovelock
  • Janelle Robbins
  • Isa Ali
  • Ryan Raudum
  • Sonia Gatti
  • Chris Currie
  • Helen Mitchel
  • Lachlan Beeston
  • Jill Young
  • Chris Godsil
  • Peter Topping
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