Our gardens

West Brunswick Community Garden

Located in Dunstan Reserve, the West Brunswick Community Garden is a friendly, welcoming place with communal beds, personal plots and a community composting hub.

Dunstan Reserve Food Forest

We manage a food forest set in the public open space of Dunstan reserve with many fruit and nut trees and other edible plants. You are welcome to help and share the harvest.

other community gardens in Merri-bek

You can find out about other community gardens in Merri-bek and much more. We're a proud member and supporter of the Merri-bek Food Gardens Network.

Former: Pentridge Community Garden

Pentridge Community Garden has set up as an independent organisation. You can find them at www.pentridgecommunitygarden.org


Events & Activities

Come join us at our events!

Become a Member

We have a range of membership types to suit everyone – please click the links below for further details. Need help deciding which one is right for you? Email membership@merribekcg.org and we’ll point you in the right direction! 

Friend of Merri-bek Community Gardening

$30 ($15 concession)

per year

If you’d like to join and support us but don’t want to actively use our gardens, you can sign up as a Friend of Merri-bek Community Gardening.

West Brunswick
Community Garden

Communal garden membership: $70 ($45 concession)

per year

Friend of the garden: $30 ($15 concession)

Members of the Board


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Vice President



Ordinary Member

Ordinary Member

Ordinary Member

Interesting Facts

Achievements that we are proud of

0 +

Happy Gardeners


Community Gardens

0 +

Events Completed


Hear what our members have to say about us!

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id risus quis sem imperdiet lobortis. Nulla vel magna lectus. Donec feugiat tortor non urna fermentum luctus. Nam id dui vel elit mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque ac cursus tellus. Etiam feugiat lorem eu mollis elementum. In at nunc sed arcu consectetur vehicula."
Moreland Community Gardening Logo
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title, Social media
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id risus quis sem imperdiet lobortis. Nulla vel magna lectus. Donec feugiat tortor non urna fermentum luctus. Nam id dui vel elit mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque ac cursus tellus. Etiam feugiat lorem eu mollis elementum. In at nunc sed arcu consectetur vehicula."
Moreland Community Gardening Logo
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title, Social media
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id risus quis sem imperdiet lobortis. Nulla vel magna lectus. Donec feugiat tortor non urna fermentum luctus. Nam id dui vel elit mattis scelerisque. Pellentesque ac cursus tellus. Etiam feugiat lorem eu mollis elementum. In at nunc sed arcu consectetur vehicula."
Moreland Community Gardening Logo
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title, Social media

In 2019 MCG was proud to be awarded a community grant by the City of Moreland.

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